Fine Jewelry
There's a stage of life, a stepping into a self confidence and self knowing that only life experience provides.
I see this within my clients and in myself in this process of maturing.
There's a deep honouring that comes from within, and it tunes into the frequency of gold, into the frequency of the heart, into the self acknowledgement of the preciousness and the love that we have for ourselves.
In this transitional phase I see a wearers of jewelry change from wearing silver, copper, bronze jewelry to that of wearing fine gold + gemstone pieces.
As ZULA matures into 13 years of business, her offerings are maturing to provide you with pieces that can honour this sovereign self you're embodying, as ZULA does the same.
These are the first offerings. I welcome you to explore them.
With Nature Reverence + Cosmic Love,
ZULA Fine Jewelry